Non-Meat or Plant-Based Proteins


Eat a variety of these foods throughout each day to get all of the protein your body needs.

Oats; WIC; cooked, 1 cup 6 grams of protein
Split peas; WIC; boiled, 1 cup 16 grams of protein
Hemp seeds; hulled, 3 tablespoons 9 grams of protein & Flax seeds; whole; 1 tablespoon 2 grams of protein
Chickpeas/ garbanzo beans; WIC; boiled, 1 cup 15 grams of protein
Sprouted lentils; WIC; 1 cup 7 grams of protein
Wild rice; cooked, 1 cup 7 grams of protein
Sunflower seeds; 1 cup 15 grams of protein
Amaranth; cooked, 1 cup 9 grams of protein
Pinto beans; WIC; boiled, 1 cup, 17 grams of protein
Black beans; WIC; boiled, 1 cup, 15 grams of protein
Edamame; prepared, 1 cup, 18 grams of protein
Adzuki beans; boiled, 1 cup, 17 grams of protein
Quinoa; cooked, 1 cup, 8 grams of protein
Buckwheat; 1 cup, 15 grams of protein
Lentil beans; boiled, 1 cup, 18 grams of protein
Chia seeds; 1 ounce, 5 grams of protein
Walnuts; 1/4 cup, 4 grams of protein
Sesame seeds; dried, 1/4 cup, 6 grams of protein
Almonds; 1/4 cup, 8 grams of protein
White beans; WIC; boiled, 1 cup 17 grams of protein


Here are a few more non-meat proteins that are plant-based and delicious. Which one will be your new favorite?
Farro ¼ cup, 6 grams (contains gluten)
Tofu 1/2 cup, 6 grams
Spelt 1 cup cooked, 10–11 grams
Teff  1 cup cooked, 10–11 grams
Tempeh 1/2 cup, 15 grams
Texturized Vegetable Protein (TVP)  ¼ cup, 13 grams
Seitan (gluten)  ⅓ cup, 15-21 grams  
Nutritional Yeast 2 Tablespoons, 9 grams