Ready to start solid food?; Look for these 5 signs


Your baby may be ready to start solid foods when they show all 5 of these signs often:  

1. “I can sit up and hold my head steady.”  Your baby should be able to sit up with or without support. Your baby’s head should be steady and upright, not wobbly or floppy.

A baby who is sitting up without assistance, grasping a toy in hand, while also bringing it to his mouth to suck on.

2. “I put my fingers or toys in my mouth.”  

This could mean that your baby is hungry. At 3-4 months of age, babies start exploring everything with their mouths. They put anything they can find in their mouths. This skill will develop into your baby being able to feed themself when they are ready for solid foods. This sign alone does not mean your baby is ready to eat solid foods.

3. “I am interested in food.” Your baby learns by watching how you eat. This interest does not always mean your baby is hungry. Babies often point at things when they are exploring. This sign alone does not mean your baby is ready to eat solid foods.

4. “I open wide.” When your baby is ready they will recognize a spoon, open their mouth wide, and close their lips around the spoon.

5. “I can keep food in my mouth and do not push it out with my tongue.” Pushing food out with the tongue is called "tongue thrust." Tongue thrust is an important reflex that protects your baby from choking or gagging. If this reflex is still present, your baby is definitely not ready for solid food.


WIC recommends starting solid foods at around 6 months of age, only if your baby is showing ALL 5 signs. Talk with your WIC staff to see if your baby is ready.