Use these simple steps to find delicious, nutritious recipes made with WIC-approved ingredients.

Step 1: Have your State's WIC Food List handy as you plan your search.

Step 2: Go to our homepage and scroll down to Health eKitchen.

Step 3: Click on View Recipes.

Step 4: If you want, you can start by reviewing the Featured Recipes in the Health eKitchen Overview.

Step 5: Write down any specific ingredients you want to use. You can type them into the Health eKitchen search bar in the next step.

Step 6: Search for recipes by selecting Recipes in the top navigation. Then, type an ingredient into the search bar. Matching recipes will appear below the search bar when you are finished typing. You can also search for words you think may be in the recipe title. For example, a search for "popsicles" will show you recipes which match this search. 

Step 7: To narrow down your options, use the Filter feature.

You can filter by Cooking Method...

...or by Meal Type.

Step 8: Figure out if you have enough time to prepare the recipe you have chosen. You can find the total time needed under the recipe image on the recipe page.

Step 9: To maximize your WIC benefits, choose recipes that have a high number of WIC ingredients.

Step 10: Bookmark your favorite recipes so you can return to them quickly! You can find your bookmarks in the "Recipes" tab under "My Bookmarks."

Bonus! Don't forget to check out the Resources collection while you are on Health eKitchen.

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