Know your fridge: How to make sure your refrigerator is at the right temperature


Why does the refrigerator temperature matter?

Temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F are sometimes known as the  “danger zone.” At temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, bacteria can grow rapidly. More bacteria means more risk for foodborne illness. That’s why you should keep your refrigerator at  40 °F or below. This will help keep bacteria from growing. 

Your refrigerator should be 40 °F or colder.
Your freezer should be 0 °F or colder.

How can I make sure my refrigerator is cold enough?

A refrigerator thermometer can tell you the exact temperature. You should also take care not to make your fridge too full. There should be room for cold air to move around. Learn more by watching the video about keeping your food chilled.

Did You Know?

Refrigerator thermometers are available at many neighborhood stores or online stores. You can often find them for around $6.